Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Jena - 2nd largest city in Thuringen

We arrived in Jena on 26 Mai. Jena is a city where one-fourth of the population attends the University, making it a 'young' city, yet the castles on the surrounding hilltops were built in the 1st Century.

Since arriving in Jena, we have been on the go! Catching the wave of energy in a University city. On our first day here we went to the top of the Intershop Tower, the highest tower in Thuringen; a Queen Heaven light show at the Planetarium; orchid hunting in the wildlife preserve; and presented at the Jena Ernst-Abbe Rotary Club. We were very honored to learn we are the first GSE Team to visit the Jena Ernst-Abbe Rotary Club, as the club has only been in exisitence for two years.

Today, we had a vocational day. Tina visited the Red Cross, Melanie and Jessica visited a 4th grade English class, and Kevin visited two libraries. Will had an opportunity to work on his golf game, as all great lawyers need to do!

We also presented today at the Jena Rotary Club. We witnessed a new member being inducted into the club. In the spirit of a true Rotarian, this new member sprung into action and assisted us while having technically difficulties during our presentation. Dankeschön!

Finally, we ended our day with a city tour of Jena, guided by Kristian and our honorary sixth team member for the week, Leni. Jena is a city of much history, including the invention of optical lenses and UV lighting. The city has its own seven wonders and many folk stories to go along with each one. The city museum has the first German flag with the German colors of black, red, and gold.

Stay tuned for more stories and photos from this grand adventure! We are not even half way through yet!!!

Freut mich! (It is a joy to me!)

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog about your Thuringia trip!
    Yesterday I was impressed about your dynamic presentation after a long day in town and on orchid meadows. Hope you could relax sometimes today :-)
    I wish you a pleasant stay in Jena, and I look forward to the garden party on thursday.

    one of the Rotarians at the orchid walk
